The cost of a grant writer seems to be one of the biggest issues involved in the decision to hire a professional grant writer. Many people look at the amount of the check they write to the grant writer and assume that is all they need to consider. But it's more complex than that.
A $2,000 grant writer costs you way too much if you don't get the grant, and a $10,000 grant writer is well worth the expense if she brings you $1,000,000 or more.
In short, if you don't factor in success rate, you're just guessing.
I have heard people say that they were going to go with a much less experienced grant writer on a large federal project because that person was less expensive than the much more experienced writer. Whenever I hear that, I just want to shake my head. You need to think of the fees you pay to a grant writer as an investment. It's about the return you get on that investment. Period. I don't care how nice he is or how much you enjoy playing golf with him. If he can't show you the money, he's a bad investment.
Also, if you work with someone on multiple projects, you should compare the total fees you paid to the total amount she helped you acquire. That will help you determine the true cost and benefit of the grant writer.
Try not to look at the less significant intermediary issues, and keep your eye on your bottom line.
Related post:
How Much Is Writing Your Own Grants Costing You?
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