Wednesday, January 5, 2011

3 Grant Writing Resolutions You Shouldn’t Ignore

I have never been a big fan of New Year’s resolutions.  I’m much more of a continuous improvement kind of gal.  I think the time to make a resolution to do something is any time that you see the need for improvement.

When it comes to grant writing, there are 3 grant writing resolutions that you shouldn’t ignore during any time of year.

  1. Make grant seeking a priority. As much as it would be nice for great opportunities to just fall into your lap, they usually don’t.  You have to go look for them. Develop a plan for checking grant sources regularly throughout the upcoming year to make sure you don’t miss any opportunities. If you’re interested in federal grants, check  For private grants, take a look at  
  2. Work with a professional grant writer this year.  Aren't you tired of spending all that time working on grant proposals that never get funded?  Even if you choose not to work with a professional for all of your grant projects, at least give it a try so you can learn how it works and what the benefits can be for you and your organization. 
  3. Learn more about the grant writing process.  Whether you are writing your own grants or working with a professional grant writer, if you have never taken a course in grant writing, now is the time to do it. There are many options out there; just be sure the grant writing course you choose is taught by a successful professional grant writer who is still writing grants.  Try our Grant Writing 101 course at GrantGoddess University, or one of the other courses or seminars we offer.
These are the first steps toward being more successful with your grant efforts and bringing more money into your organization this year.


Want to supercharge your grant writing work? Become a member at! You'll have access to the largest collection of multi-media grant writing and grant seeking resources on the web.

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