Friday, July 30, 2010

Joining the Internet "Land Rush!"

We've been really busy with creating a presence on the Web; and, it’s a fascinating environment to work in.  The way that people are rushing in makes me think a little bit of the movie Oklahoma about the land rush where pioneers are in their buggies waiting for some guy to shoot off a gun so they can all race out into the plains to stake a claim, grab some prime property.

The virtual (Internet) land rush is still on today and I wonder if some day into the future, we all might reminisce about what could have been if we had just staked out some electronic ground for ourselves and held on tight to it.

One of the lessons I’ve learned is that finding a good domain isn’t easy.  If you think of practically anything in the world that is a one word term for something, it’s long gone.  Long, long gone, or, it could be up for sale fetching thousands of dollars when the right entrepreneur comes along to buy it.

Of course buying a piece of property isn’t the same thing as making it fertile and productive.  That is of course the real work of the Internet, that’s where the true gold lies.  And there’s lots of miners, i.e., programmers and engineers working like slaves to their computer to find the next big thing, or even the next moderate thing, some program, application, or web site they can sell off to Google or Yahoo and retire at thirty.

It’s fascinating to become involved - a bit of a blur - and have just enough knowledge to see a little of what is possible on the Internet.  The scene is a flashback to what California must have been like during the gold rush.  Lots of people with dollar signs in their eyeballs buying the tools and rushing forth to do the work, hoping to strike it rich with sweat, effort, and a lot of luck.  Maybe like California's Sam Brannan during the Gold Rush, the business geniuses today are mostly in the tool-selling business.

Most of those chasing their fortune will never get rich off the net; many instead will have to be satisfied at age 50 to be employed and making a living.  I bet they’ll be wondering how they missed the last ten big opportunities that filled someone else’s pockets with gold.  Many more of us will wonder how we missed the opportunities that opened up right before our eyes.

We’re working a lot on our web site.  We’re creating and delivering online resources and online training.  Creating good content is the part we know how to do, getting people who want it to find it is the trickier part!

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